Excellent, and the reference were so insightful. This is a wealth of wisdom and much can be learned by studying this post for growth & understanding in the TRUTH!

To God Be the Glory

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The pope’s position on different religions reminds me of a priest who told grieving parents whose son was run over by a truck that “God wanted your little boy with him in heaven.” After the funeral, the parents never returned to Church. God did not cause that truck to kill the little boy, although God allows accidents to happen. God may allow other religions like he allows accidents, but accidents like less truthful religious paths are not God’s doing. Francis’ response in 2013 to the Brazilian reporter, “Who am I to judge?” about Msgr Battista Ricca who led a very, very active homosexual life, marked the beginning in a series of theologically and morally incorrect statements. Owing to his very poor grasp of Catholic theology and the natural and divine laws, if Francis were one of my seminary students, I probably would not have recommended him for orders.

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Thank you for presenting Sheen’s classic distinction on tolerance and intolerance, people and principles! It helps us to appreciate how God can love the sinner but still hate the sin!

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And helped me to try and find a way to inform in principle those we love/tolerate striving to follow God’s Mercy.

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Regarding Bishop's very explicite essay on Truth, I found his impeccable genius clear and on target. It opened up very real and important subject matter(s), whereas I'd been so much in the dark about. Thank you Bishop Strickland for laying it all out as you expertly did !

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Amen- I needed this reinforcement Bishop - Thank you .

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Dear Bishop and Good Shepherd,

I’m a Confirmation catechist and I’m always looking for the verbiage to make the doctrine of our Church so very clear to our teenagers. One more time, I have great notes to go to from your response. Thank you, I’m grateful and ever mindful of your words to us on pilgrimage, “Stay the course and be firm.” Also, reminding us to confess often to remain in the state of grace for, “No one knows the he day nor the hour…” Mathew 24:36

Peace be with you and keeping you in prayer🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻”Pray Pray Pray”

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Hi. I am a new Catholic as of Easter past and realize there is much I don't know, and have to learn. I recently started watching a show called Return To Tradition featuring Anthony Stine. He has read your letters on his show. I was so impressed that I signed up with Substack just to follow you. I am very nervous about what this pope is doing to the church. I am politically involved, trying to fight against this raging marxism, which can become communism. My prayers are with you. Thank you soooo much for fighting!

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Thank you for this post. God bless you, Bishop Strickland.

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So profound and important.

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...thank you your excellency for this post...its quality and precision are appreciated...

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

Thank you Bishop Strickland. You are much more charitable than I am because I interpreted the reader's comment as a snarky response to your rebuke of Pope Francis's irresponsible comment about other religions being just as good as the Catholic Faith as the sure path to God. Of course, John 14:6 proves Pope Francis wrong and your rebuke as correct. I appreciate you doing the spiritual work of mercy of instructing the ignorant, especially as a bishop whose office is that of catechesis. Thank you for staying true to the Deposit of the Faith that has been systematically under attack for centuries, not just from "liberation theology"(which to me is just an offshoot of marxism and communism which inherently are aetheist and therefore reject God) but also from the "enlightenment" and "reformation". You are definitely more charitable in your response because I took the reader's comments as just a "gotcha" question trying to catch you in a contradiction through semantics therefore trying to discredit your appropriate response to Pope Francis's irresponsible (I can also say scandalous) comments. Thank you again Bishop Strickland and for what it's worth, you have my support. Being laity, I don't really have any kind of heirarchical authority to do anything about Pope Francis and his cardinals and priests who teach what amounts to heresy so I don't really know how to take Archbishop Fulton Sheen's comment about how to save the Church. But I can pray. Especially for God's will to be done and also for God to show us His hand in all that He permits. After all, He permitted His Son's death on the cross.

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Great expounding on you’re earlier article .. and it’s nice to see reply’s to people’s questions.

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Amen 🙏🏻

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Thank you, Bishop Strickland, for speaking the Truth in Love!

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I love the quote by St. Augustine about why we cannot be indifferent about false religions and the Truth of Jesus Christ! Eternal souls are at stake! Thank you, Bishop Strickland, for offering such clarity!

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