Much needed truly "Catholic" teaching at a time Pope Francis and other closeted bishops in many cases are engaging in or covering up abuse while teaching heresy and approving of immorality when they bless gay and lesbian sexual relationships and endorse illegal immigration and human trafficking for which they were paid handsomely by pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ Democrats. This Reminds one of the Catholic Church under the pontificates of popes Leo X and Julius III that contributed to the Protestant Reformation when millions left the Catholic Church under gay popes like is happening today .
we are living in an age where Christianity is diminishing and fading into irrelevance and obscurity - the messages from Our Lady have not been heeded and the consequences are upon us and our children and grandchildren
Your Excellency Bishop Strickland: I am sorry to read that many people have told you to stop talking and writing about the evil of abortion. We hear so little about the killing of unborn babies anymore from nearly all our bishops, including the one in Rome, that those who advocate you remain silent cannot be motivated by "subject fatigue." Rather, perhaps they are motivated by a desire to have you manifest "qui tacit consentire," i.e. "silence implies consent." Or, perhaps they wish you to say, with the falsest humility, "Who am I to judge?" So, never remain silent about abortion! Two intentions for every Rosary my wife and I pray are: for an end to abortion, and for unborn babies in danger of abortion. Be strong and courageous! (Joshua 1:9)
Your words are so comforting, like a breath of fresh air in a room that is difficult to take a breath. I appreciate your direct style which is so easily comprehended, digested and absorbed into our minds and hearts. Bishop Strickland, you are a light in the darkness amongst the fog of our culture, a light prepared by God for the Church in this present moment of confusion. I clearly see why God allowed and prepared you to be an instrument in the present, much different from your past.
God has given you a most beautiful opportunity to teach the Catholic faith unencumbered by vast duties as in the past, opportunities to bring our Catholic faith to light for us to grow strong in our faith and become devout Catholics who by their witness and word, go forth and teach others. You showed us true humility when stepping down as bishop with grace, courage and dignity. You are a light in the darkness and a true picture of Jesus Christ's love for His people. May God continue to bless you each day filling you with sanctifying grace and his tender love. We are truly blessed to have a share in your gift. Cherie Trapp
E. R. Mons. Joseph Strickland, a che serve ribadire la Dottrina di Cristo in difesa della Vita umana, se poi riconosce papa l'impostore iniquo J. M. Bergoglio e partecipa alle sue opere inique? Un antipapa già scomunicato ipso facto per il can. 1398 perché complice del delitto di ABORTO ed
EUTANASIA di massa, nel momento in cui ha "INCORAGGIATO" tutti a sottoporsi ad uno pseudo-vaccino?
Vaccino assassino che papa S. GPII e il defunto legittimo ultimo papa Benedetto XVI, in documenti come Dignitas Personae, Donum Vitae e Carta degli Operatori Sanitari, hanno definito ILLECITO?
E perché non testato (difatti ha procurato danni anche mortali a milioni di persone in tutto il mondo).
E perché PRODOTTO CON CELLULE EMBRIONALI UMANE geneticamente modificate (HEK) 293 mediante tecnologia del DNA ricombinante (OGM).
Pertanto, mons Strickland, la esorto caldamente di smettere di irridere Cristo e il Suo gregge e di rispondere quanto prima al suo primo dovere:
ricoscere Benedetto XVI quale ultimo legittimo Pietro che mai ha abdicato! Solo così può salvare la Barca di Pietro che Bergoglio sta facendo affondare.
Si rilegga il bugiardino di ASTRAZENEKA sul vaccino anti-covid dove era scritto: PRODOTTO CON CELLULE EMBRIONALI UMANE geneticamente modificate (HEK) 293 mediante tecnologia del DNA ricombinante (OGM).
E che questo pseudo vaccino abbia ucciso e danneggiato miliini di persone in tutto il mondo è una realtà voluta dalla massoneria politica col sostegno di quella ecclesiatica rappresentata dall'antipapa assassino di anime e di corpi : il LELUTERANO ROTARYANO BERGOGLIO. Ergo, mons. Strickland, nonostante con la sua bella dottrina continua aa travestirsi da cattolico, di fatto è reo di SCISMA, almenp fino a quando continua a riconoscere "papa" tale impostore iniquo. Solo quando riconoscerà pubblicamente papa Benedetto XVI quale ultimo legittimo Romano Pontefice che mai ha abdicato, mons Strickland tornerà a far parte della Santa Romana Chiesa di Gesù Cristo.
Thank you dear Bishop Strickland, for leading us in front of God's Truth. His Commands are our direction. Our Lady in Fatima had a strong message on which St Lucy wrote a large part of her book on the Commands of the Lord. Concerning the killing by abortion, it is so important to show up at the Planned Parenthood just to be present and pray, be present, and pray! Same for every situation, loving presence and pray! Thank you dear Bishop Strickland! Elisabeth Lombardi from Balltimore
Ancient Hebrew scholars and others are more precise and to the point.
The fifth is "do no murder".
Preach the good news shepherd, the CCC is the words of men about the words of men about the word of God and not revealed, not infallible, not authoritative.
Abortion is murder, killing the enemy in a just war is not murder, killing children in the womb is murder, execution for grave crimes which are also grave sins after proper process of law is not murder
Jesus said "MY WORDS are spirit … truth … life" - not the words of interpreters or expositors or commentators
If you preach the Word it is authoritative - if you preach the catechism it is carnal, of the flesh.
“Grave psychological disturbances, anguish or grave fear of hardship, suffering or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide." Dear Bishop, can these conditions also diminish the responsibility of one procuring an abortion? I witness for some pro-life organizations and it may be helpful to have this clarified so I may share your teachings with others.
the abortionist is the murderer and no psychological or financial or other excuse applies to them.
Why do you wish to rob any person of any of their moral responsibility - a life has been taken, a killing has happened and there is no excuse.
Call to mind part of a creed " … through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. "
Care of the people who are connected to abortion is about the miracle of forgiveness and forgiveness requires confession of guilt, true guilt and repentance and firm resolution of sinning no more. That is the greatest gift on offer to each and every person involved in the death of each and every child killed.
I thought that for a teaching of the Church to be held as true, it couldn't contradict the approved catechisms that have gone before. So what does that tell you?
Much needed truly "Catholic" teaching at a time Pope Francis and other closeted bishops in many cases are engaging in or covering up abuse while teaching heresy and approving of immorality when they bless gay and lesbian sexual relationships and endorse illegal immigration and human trafficking for which they were paid handsomely by pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ Democrats. This Reminds one of the Catholic Church under the pontificates of popes Leo X and Julius III that contributed to the Protestant Reformation when millions left the Catholic Church under gay popes like is happening today .
we are living in an age where Christianity is diminishing and fading into irrelevance and obscurity - the messages from Our Lady have not been heeded and the consequences are upon us and our children and grandchildren
Your Excellency Bishop Strickland: I am sorry to read that many people have told you to stop talking and writing about the evil of abortion. We hear so little about the killing of unborn babies anymore from nearly all our bishops, including the one in Rome, that those who advocate you remain silent cannot be motivated by "subject fatigue." Rather, perhaps they are motivated by a desire to have you manifest "qui tacit consentire," i.e. "silence implies consent." Or, perhaps they wish you to say, with the falsest humility, "Who am I to judge?" So, never remain silent about abortion! Two intentions for every Rosary my wife and I pray are: for an end to abortion, and for unborn babies in danger of abortion. Be strong and courageous! (Joshua 1:9)
Your words are so comforting, like a breath of fresh air in a room that is difficult to take a breath. I appreciate your direct style which is so easily comprehended, digested and absorbed into our minds and hearts. Bishop Strickland, you are a light in the darkness amongst the fog of our culture, a light prepared by God for the Church in this present moment of confusion. I clearly see why God allowed and prepared you to be an instrument in the present, much different from your past.
God has given you a most beautiful opportunity to teach the Catholic faith unencumbered by vast duties as in the past, opportunities to bring our Catholic faith to light for us to grow strong in our faith and become devout Catholics who by their witness and word, go forth and teach others. You showed us true humility when stepping down as bishop with grace, courage and dignity. You are a light in the darkness and a true picture of Jesus Christ's love for His people. May God continue to bless you each day filling you with sanctifying grace and his tender love. We are truly blessed to have a share in your gift. Cherie Trapp
E. R. Mons. Joseph Strickland, a che serve ribadire la Dottrina di Cristo in difesa della Vita umana, se poi riconosce papa l'impostore iniquo J. M. Bergoglio e partecipa alle sue opere inique? Un antipapa già scomunicato ipso facto per il can. 1398 perché complice del delitto di ABORTO ed
EUTANASIA di massa, nel momento in cui ha "INCORAGGIATO" tutti a sottoporsi ad uno pseudo-vaccino?
Vaccino assassino che papa S. GPII e il defunto legittimo ultimo papa Benedetto XVI, in documenti come Dignitas Personae, Donum Vitae e Carta degli Operatori Sanitari, hanno definito ILLECITO?
E perché non testato (difatti ha procurato danni anche mortali a milioni di persone in tutto il mondo).
E perché PRODOTTO CON CELLULE EMBRIONALI UMANE geneticamente modificate (HEK) 293 mediante tecnologia del DNA ricombinante (OGM).
Pertanto, mons Strickland, la esorto caldamente di smettere di irridere Cristo e il Suo gregge e di rispondere quanto prima al suo primo dovere:
ricoscere Benedetto XVI quale ultimo legittimo Pietro che mai ha abdicato! Solo così può salvare la Barca di Pietro che Bergoglio sta facendo affondare.
Lei scrive da arrogante e ignorante pseudo-papa con sciocchezze su vaccini, omicidi di massa e altre sciocchezze. Pentitevi!
Si rilegga il bugiardino di ASTRAZENEKA sul vaccino anti-covid dove era scritto: PRODOTTO CON CELLULE EMBRIONALI UMANE geneticamente modificate (HEK) 293 mediante tecnologia del DNA ricombinante (OGM).
E che questo pseudo vaccino abbia ucciso e danneggiato miliini di persone in tutto il mondo è una realtà voluta dalla massoneria politica col sostegno di quella ecclesiatica rappresentata dall'antipapa assassino di anime e di corpi : il LELUTERANO ROTARYANO BERGOGLIO. Ergo, mons. Strickland, nonostante con la sua bella dottrina continua aa travestirsi da cattolico, di fatto è reo di SCISMA, almenp fino a quando continua a riconoscere "papa" tale impostore iniquo. Solo quando riconoscerà pubblicamente papa Benedetto XVI quale ultimo legittimo Romano Pontefice che mai ha abdicato, mons Strickland tornerà a far parte della Santa Romana Chiesa di Gesù Cristo.
...( prove documentali:
Thank you and God bless you.
Thank you dear Bishop Strickland, for leading us in front of God's Truth. His Commands are our direction. Our Lady in Fatima had a strong message on which St Lucy wrote a large part of her book on the Commands of the Lord. Concerning the killing by abortion, it is so important to show up at the Planned Parenthood just to be present and pray, be present, and pray! Same for every situation, loving presence and pray! Thank you dear Bishop Strickland! Elisabeth Lombardi from Balltimore
Ancient Hebrew scholars and others are more precise and to the point.
The fifth is "do no murder".
Preach the good news shepherd, the CCC is the words of men about the words of men about the word of God and not revealed, not infallible, not authoritative.
Abortion is murder, killing the enemy in a just war is not murder, killing children in the womb is murder, execution for grave crimes which are also grave sins after proper process of law is not murder
Jesus said "MY WORDS are spirit … truth … life" - not the words of interpreters or expositors or commentators
If you preach the Word it is authoritative - if you preach the catechism it is carnal, of the flesh.
“Grave psychological disturbances, anguish or grave fear of hardship, suffering or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide." Dear Bishop, can these conditions also diminish the responsibility of one procuring an abortion? I witness for some pro-life organizations and it may be helpful to have this clarified so I may share your teachings with others.
the abortionist is the murderer and no psychological or financial or other excuse applies to them.
Why do you wish to rob any person of any of their moral responsibility - a life has been taken, a killing has happened and there is no excuse.
Call to mind part of a creed " … through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. "
Care of the people who are connected to abortion is about the miracle of forgiveness and forgiveness requires confession of guilt, true guilt and repentance and firm resolution of sinning no more. That is the greatest gift on offer to each and every person involved in the death of each and every child killed.
I speak from a mother’s point of view, not the abortionist
Then my second paragraph applies to the people for whom you give excuses.
It is not a favour to pretend to excuse, offer the infinite consolation of forgiveness.
I thought that for a teaching of the Church to be held as true, it couldn't contradict the approved catechisms that have gone before. So what does that tell you?
Did you not know that catechisms are a quite modern invention, eh?
Did you know that catechisms from one era do not agree in all part with those of an earlier version?
Did you not know that truth is truth and stays the truth, always?
The Christian knows that Jesus has told us "I AM the way, the truth and the life, no-one comes to the Father except through Me" and believes Him.
Nothing less than a person is the truth that stays the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
An ordinary person such as you or me is not a book or a document or suchlike, let alone the Lord.
I thought the CCC protection of life now includes rejection of the death penalty in all circumstances
yes, good evidence that the CCC is fallible, prone to error and not to be considered as more authoritative than the Old and New Testament
it's free online, you can look it up
Monsignor, could you grant me a Nihil Obstat as a Bishop? I would be very happy if you could review my writing and help me with that.
I look forward to always reading what you have to say. I keep learning !!