Your Excellency, May God bless you, that your courageous witness will embolden the Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and deacons to speak in unison with such charity, clarity, and truth.

Countless souls are being lost because of the lukewarmness of our prelates and their reticence to speak out against manifest heresy. There is no greater heresy than denying that Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation.

“Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32-33)

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Thank you, Bishop Strickland!! We are so grateful for your fidelity and courage. We are grateful for your voice!

God bless you and keep you!

Shelley Davis

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...thank you your excellency for this message...you are in my daily prayers...

...may God bless you and all in your family in time and in eternity...


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Thank you, Bishop Strickland. You are a faithful shepherd. God bless you.

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Thank you bishop, for being a beacon of light and truth in the tempest in which we now find ourselves.

Jesus, we trust in You!

Neal Davis

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G.K. Chesterton : "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions."

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This article explains why Francis/Bergoglio got rid of you as Henry VIII got rid of Sir Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher. The cowardly English bishops then are no different than the predominantly gay heterodox bishops in the U.S. today. Thank you for this very well-researched, reasoned, and informative article. See: https://johneighteenthirtyseven.substack.com/

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Thank you, our fearless shepherd, for leading us through these dangerous time up the narrow path! You are ever in our prayers!

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Thank you once again, Bishop Strickland! 🙏

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God bless you❤️

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Thank for your clear presentation and faithful witness to Christ!

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Thank you good Bishop. Lay people must save the Church. 2 lay men, only one Apostle took Jesus down from cross. 10 Apostles hid.

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Bishop Strickland thank you. This explains so much to me, how the star of the church has come to be now. Thank you for being a faithful Shepherd and warning us, preparing us, guiding us through this most confusing time in our church. We join you in prayer for the continuance of the one, true holy and apostolic church. Keep the faith! Be bold, be Catholic! A true one.

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I was just reading the Baltimore Catechism (No. 2) to my daughter for school the other day. We were reading about the First Commandment of God, and it posed the question: 205. "How does a Catholic sin against faith?" The answer: "A Catholic sins against faith by apostasy, heresy, indifferentism, and by identifying himself with other religions." It went on to explain: "Indifferentism is the belief that one religion is as good as another. It would put the Mystical Body of Christ on the same footing as a false religious system." Indifferentism is a sin against faith. So simple, a 4th grader can understand, yet it is a truth of our faith that seems to have been largely forgotten today.

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Hello, father. Thank you for the post. I think the Pope is very engaged with promoting Christianity and I don't think he's indifferent at all so maybe y'all're just talking past each other.

On that note, I read this article (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/09/29/religion-election-north-carolina/) and it believes the "soul" of American Christianity depends on how we vote rather than our actions being an expression of our soul which is Christ as you've said. Ofc what is a battle for our soul is whether we're coming together and praising at rallies or even helping each other in other campaigns. Being able to show unity gets rid of the appeal of extremism in politics (outside candidates). Secularists are really trying to divide the Christian community when we survive everything with cheer in our heart. I think a religious person would realize that is the battle for the soul of American Christianity. I wonder what some plans we may have to introduce Christian values into these elections. I'd love to hear your thoughts as I'm concerned for the mental well-being of Christians and secularists.

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If we can't manage the basics of Christ's teachings then we can't say with any conviction that we are voting with our Christian conscience.

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