Dear Bishop Strickland; Up until now, there has not been a single issue dealing with the Faith where we differed. However, I must disagree with your conclusions, for on the one hand you correctly state that a nation has a right and duty to defend its borders. Yet you now state that some people who came here illegally should be treated differently and allowed to stay.
According to a 23 year Border Patrol agent and sector chief, there are over 50 million people who entered here illegally in violation of our legitimate laws. This cannot be allowed as it was done by criminals in our own government who wanted to change the demographics of our country for their personal benefit, regardless of laws or moral imperative.
There are laws in place whereby people who are legitimately fleeing persecution can apply for admission to the USA. If that process is ignored and they enter illegally, regardless of an "invitation" by our government, they still violated our just laws and must be deported.
America cannot exist if our laws are ignored, even if there may be some who have a valid reason to come here. For our laws cannot be ignored for personal reasons. We either have laws or we will lose our entire country which is exactly what the traitors in government have wanted for decades. This cannot be allowed, for any reason.
Immigration authorities are also most graciously allowing illegal immigrants to register at the border when self-deporting with the opportunity to immigrate legally in the future. Those that are deported by immigration authorities forfeit the opportunity to apply for legal immigration.
How are illegal immigrants "paying taxes" when they have no social security number? These folks are hired under the table, and their bosses pay no employment tax on them, and there is no income tax withheld. I'm a poor citizen. I have to obey the laws of this country, and I have to pay taxes to support the needs of these aliens who do not obey the law. You're out of touch. I am so completely turned off by liberal Catholic politics and a Communist Pope that I no longer go to any Catholic church. I am much happier in a non-denominational Bible church.
Melissa, I agree that illegals must not be allowed to come or stay here illegally. What I don't agree with is your apparent decision to blame the Catholic Church for decisions made by heretics like Bergoglio and his supporting heretics in the bishopry. The Traditional Catholic Church is the only unerring Word of God as it is the only Church established by Jesus. Furthermore, it has remained faithful to the Bible and Words of Jesus despite the many heresies of individuals who have, by their own words and actions, separated themselves from the Church rendering their leadership unlawful.
Please consider that a Traditional Catholic Church that adheres to the pre-Vatican II heresies is the best place in the world to be, as no other church brings the fullness of the Truth of Jesus Christ. I pray you will find a Traditional Latin Mass near you and return to the Church for the salvation of your soul as the one, true, Holy, and Apostolic Church still holds to the eternal truth that Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, meaning outside the Church there is no salvation.
If there were a traditional parish near me, I would attend, as I am a convert, and I recognize the truth of pre-V2 doctrine. However, I would not want to attend a Mass said in union with "Pope Francis" even it's the TLM. If that apostate is Pope, the Church has defected and that's impossible. With no living Pope in Rome, I will share the Gospel where I find it, which is not in the local Novus Ordo, but in a Bible-believing group of followers of Christ. Thanks for your reply, but hearing silly stuff from Bishop Strickland is incredible frustrating, and only solidifies my position.
Thank you. We have to drive about 45 minutes to a TLM which is not that far. The next closest one is 1.5 hours which is pushing it. I also disagree with the content of B Strickland's post which was a huge surprise as he has been continually aligned with the Traditional Magisterium.
The Bible alone is not enough for a full faith as it denies much of what Christ said, does nut have all the sacraments Christ instituted, and it is frequently interpreted by eisegesis which means using ones personal agenda as the basis rather than the true intent on the author of Scripture who is the Holy Spirit. Pax Dominus vobiscum.
Could you please go to your priest and repeat for him what you just said to me: "The Bible alone is not enough for a full faith as it denies much of what Christ said..." I think you need some assistance.
Thank you for taking time to write. I don't need to speak with a priest about the truth. The truth here is that the Protestant belief in Sola Scriptura or scripture alone is false. It is nowhere in the Bible but was fabricated by Protestants in a futile attempt to prove that their belief system was right while claiming that Catholic Doctrine is wrong. Jesus established what was to become known as the Catholic Church which is in His own words. I think you need some prayers. Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum. Amen.
I think they use fake ssn’s. Their employers have to deduct income and social security taxes from their pay. So they pay these taxes in the sense that employers deduct them from their pay. I have to use a special identity pin when I file my federal return because someone else has used my SSN. Of course the IRS would give me no information about this other than I needed to use a particular personal identification number.
No. Immigrant can register to receive “tax payer numbers”. With no benefits other than contributing to society and to the federal government, many immigrants spend decades paying taxes with hopes of a future and many never get one. And yes, this is legal.
Around 10 years ago, maybe 15, I had a student who had come back to college after working about 10 years. He told me that he used to have a contracting business. He followed the law closely, so he did not hire illegals. But at some point he could no longer win any bids because other contractors were. They got around the law by subcontracting their labor to another business who handled all the payroll. These businesses hired illegals and took care of the payroll and the paperwork. He did this a couple of times and then quit the business and went back to school eventually getting his doctorate in economics. He was my main source of information about employment of illegal immigrants.
Yes they do actually do that. Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments.
Greetings Padre – While I normally support you 100% on most issues – it is this one that I’m having a hard time squaring. I understand the RC tenants but methinks you are trying to thread the needle with less than good effect. Might I share another way of thinking of the problem and perhaps a better way of solving the problem:
The issue of illegal immigration poses a fundamental moral dilemma for nations: should governments prioritize the well-being of their own citizens or extend unlimited assistance to those who enter unlawfully? While compassion for those seeking a better life is natural, it is neither ethical nor sustainable to support illegal immigrants at the expense of native citizens, particularly when such an influx results in job losses, economic strain, and increased crime rates. Past administrations may have signaled an “all are welcome” message, but it is the duty of the present to correct policies that harm those already struggling within the nation’s borders. A truly humane and just solution lies in addressing the root causes of migration by helping individuals improve their circumstances where they live, rather than encouraging lawlessness and displacing local populations.
A government’s primary moral obligation is to protect and provide for its own citizens. When illegal immigrants enter a country in large numbers, they often compete for jobs, especially low-wage positions, with native workers. This disproportionately affects the most vulnerable segments of society—those already living in poverty and struggling to find stable employment. It is unjust for any government to force its own people into economic hardship by prioritizing non-citizens who have entered illegally. The moral course of action is to ensure that jobs, resources, and opportunities remain available to the country’s lawful residents first.
Additionally, a surge in illegal immigration often brings unintended consequences, including a rise in criminal activity. While not all immigrants are criminals, it is an undeniable reality that unvetted migration allows individuals with criminal histories to cross borders unchecked. Citizens have the right to safety and security, and it is unethical for a government to expose them to unnecessary risks. Law-abiding citizens should not have to live in fear or suffer from policies that undermine their safety simply because previous administrations were lax in enforcing border laws.
The most ethical and sustainable solution is not to open borders indiscriminately but to help people thrive in their home countries. Many illegal immigrants flee due to economic hardship, political instability, or violence. Instead of encouraging dangerous and unlawful migration patterns, resources should be directed toward fostering economic development, stability, and governance reforms in their home nations. This ensures that people can build better futures without abandoning their countries or destabilizing others.
While I realize that many illegals will face hardship in a transition back to their native land (and temporary disruption should not be a reason to avoid fixing the situation) – there are ways to bridge the gap. Ultimately, the moral course of action is one that prioritizes fairness, national stability, and long-term solutions rather than temporary, politically motivated policies. A government that neglects its own people in favor of those who break the law erodes social trust and economic prosperity. True compassion lies in helping people where they are, not at the expense of those already struggling within a nation’s borders.
Of course I am "all ears" for additional illumination. Pax
I would bet money Bishop Strickland has a high fence around his residence like his boss Fartsis the Worst. Vatican has very high walls and guards, I have seen it with my own eyes.
Yes a boring comment from a boring guy and by extension a really stupid observation/snark. Actually, Bishop Strickland is an outstanding example as to what a bishop should be. He is totally faithful to the Magisterium and 100% authentic. Methinks you should report to the village elders as they are looking for you...the village idiot.
We are talking about a fence. Does he he have one? Do not change the subject. Observations cannot be stupid, they are facts. Only stupid people cannot tell the difference. On catholic magisterium and refurbishing the Bible - here comes either stupidity or ill will. I have hard time deciding.
You are absolutely correct Bishop Strickland in emphasizing that it is our own government and business elites who have created this problem and encouraged the flow of illegal migration across Latin America.
And I should add as well the taste that far too many of our fellow citizens have for illegal drugs, especially cocaine, which has funnelled gargantuan amounts of money to some very bad people south of the border and destabilized large parts of Latin America in the process.
Until you solve those problems none of this is going to make any difference.
Matthew 25 doesn't indicate that the corporal works of mercy are to be extended only to the "legal." The U.S.A. has enough wealth to take care of our own as well as those who come. Let not our greed prevent us from following Jesus's mandate.
The US is not responsible for supporting those. Do recall that the great land of immigrants took legal immigrants for over a century and just released those to their own capacity.
A “compassionate” government is not a Christian ideal. The Protestant maxim of charity begins at home does not appear to be understood by woke idiots. Although it is well aligned with Catholic social teaching in many ways. Charity by persons, individuals who help other individuals, is not only the true meaning of The Good Samaritan parable but is the only true charity. Charity through organizations is a means to facilitate the one on one fulfillment of Christian charity. Socialism is not an option for the poor despite the gay priests who seem to condone all the leftists “rights” granted by government.
Every Sunday we hear “the mass.” That closing statement which tells us to go, and do likewise, regarding The Gospel. You can’t turn Jesus statements on paying the Temple Tax into a choice for government taxation to do what we are asked to do by God for our neighbors. The four pillars of social teaching are not supported by USAID nor Soros, despite what Soros owned media may declare.
This is a difficult issue and I appreciate your guidance. Illegal but they came while our government relaxed the rules, didn’t follow them. Our government which means the citizens are going to have to deal with this. We are a very generous country but!
I think there should be an accounting of the government and the ngo’s that were hired ! Why don’t we have an accounting from the bishops of how this money( taxpayers) has been spent. Do some of these ngo’s fail to follow Catholic teaching? Call them out. Who is minding the shop. Did we aid by setting up offices in Mexico to bring in immigrants. I’m not saying the Church did. Did we really take care of the children?
I’m very concerned about Catholic Relief services and their guidance for following Church teaching.
Follow the money.
Look at the numbers of immigrants who are affiliating I guess with the Church. How have we educated them to become part of our culture? A lot of money flows out of our country I’m told from this segment. It’s a mess.
Reminds me of another recent period in the Church that wasn’t handled very well by the bishops and cost all parishioners!
I completely agree with the need for a compassionate approach to the illegal immigration problem. The Church should take a leadership position on this issue, helping to reconcile the different perspectives. Unfortunately, the USCCB and individual bishops have mainly taken extreme positions supporting unfettered immigration without recognizing the right of our nation to serve and protect its own people. As a result, they have lost the moral high ground, and in consequence, justly I might add, their opinions are discounted.
I don’t know how this problem can be rectified since it was allowed to reach this point. However, we need to rationalize a solution that doesn’t reward illegal behavior, whether illegitimately encouraged by our government or not, and yet recognizes the no-win situation we are in.
Dear Bishop, when you say that many illegal immigrants have taken jobs that American citizens would not take, you need to be careful. Whether or not an American (or anyone else) takes a particular job depends on what the pay is. Maybe they would not take the job at the same low wage the illegal immigrant is willing to take it, but at a somewhat higher wage they might be willing to do the work.
There are also employers who abuse special visa programs who lay off all their employees in a certain division and replace them with legal immigrants who the employer brings into the country legally and these immigrants are paid a much lower wage.
I am so grateful for your work Bishop Strickland so please don’t take this as an attack on you. Except for this minor point, your essay is very helpful.
I thought illegal immigrants cannot pay taxes because they have not done the paperwork they can do upon arrival to seek refuge in our country. Illegal aliens are illegal and so have to stay under the radar and not pay taxes. This makes them and their children open to harm from people that have predator mentality. We know people that came here illegal and filed paperwork for asylum. They then are protected from deportation while waiting for approval, a social security number, and a work permit. Illegal immigrants have an opportunity to file asylum paperwork once here. If they are illegal they are taking cash jobs because they have to.
Spoken like a true Catholic! No surprise that it is Bishop Strickland who sees things clearly through Catholic eyes.
Dear Bishop Strickland; Up until now, there has not been a single issue dealing with the Faith where we differed. However, I must disagree with your conclusions, for on the one hand you correctly state that a nation has a right and duty to defend its borders. Yet you now state that some people who came here illegally should be treated differently and allowed to stay.
According to a 23 year Border Patrol agent and sector chief, there are over 50 million people who entered here illegally in violation of our legitimate laws. This cannot be allowed as it was done by criminals in our own government who wanted to change the demographics of our country for their personal benefit, regardless of laws or moral imperative.
There are laws in place whereby people who are legitimately fleeing persecution can apply for admission to the USA. If that process is ignored and they enter illegally, regardless of an "invitation" by our government, they still violated our just laws and must be deported.
America cannot exist if our laws are ignored, even if there may be some who have a valid reason to come here. For our laws cannot be ignored for personal reasons. We either have laws or we will lose our entire country which is exactly what the traitors in government have wanted for decades. This cannot be allowed, for any reason.
May God continue to Bless and protect you.
Immigration authorities are also most graciously allowing illegal immigrants to register at the border when self-deporting with the opportunity to immigrate legally in the future. Those that are deported by immigration authorities forfeit the opportunity to apply for legal immigration.
How are illegal immigrants "paying taxes" when they have no social security number? These folks are hired under the table, and their bosses pay no employment tax on them, and there is no income tax withheld. I'm a poor citizen. I have to obey the laws of this country, and I have to pay taxes to support the needs of these aliens who do not obey the law. You're out of touch. I am so completely turned off by liberal Catholic politics and a Communist Pope that I no longer go to any Catholic church. I am much happier in a non-denominational Bible church.
Melissa, I agree that illegals must not be allowed to come or stay here illegally. What I don't agree with is your apparent decision to blame the Catholic Church for decisions made by heretics like Bergoglio and his supporting heretics in the bishopry. The Traditional Catholic Church is the only unerring Word of God as it is the only Church established by Jesus. Furthermore, it has remained faithful to the Bible and Words of Jesus despite the many heresies of individuals who have, by their own words and actions, separated themselves from the Church rendering their leadership unlawful.
Please consider that a Traditional Catholic Church that adheres to the pre-Vatican II heresies is the best place in the world to be, as no other church brings the fullness of the Truth of Jesus Christ. I pray you will find a Traditional Latin Mass near you and return to the Church for the salvation of your soul as the one, true, Holy, and Apostolic Church still holds to the eternal truth that Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, meaning outside the Church there is no salvation.
If there were a traditional parish near me, I would attend, as I am a convert, and I recognize the truth of pre-V2 doctrine. However, I would not want to attend a Mass said in union with "Pope Francis" even it's the TLM. If that apostate is Pope, the Church has defected and that's impossible. With no living Pope in Rome, I will share the Gospel where I find it, which is not in the local Novus Ordo, but in a Bible-believing group of followers of Christ. Thanks for your reply, but hearing silly stuff from Bishop Strickland is incredible frustrating, and only solidifies my position.
Thank you. We have to drive about 45 minutes to a TLM which is not that far. The next closest one is 1.5 hours which is pushing it. I also disagree with the content of B Strickland's post which was a huge surprise as he has been continually aligned with the Traditional Magisterium.
The Bible alone is not enough for a full faith as it denies much of what Christ said, does nut have all the sacraments Christ instituted, and it is frequently interpreted by eisegesis which means using ones personal agenda as the basis rather than the true intent on the author of Scripture who is the Holy Spirit. Pax Dominus vobiscum.
Could you please go to your priest and repeat for him what you just said to me: "The Bible alone is not enough for a full faith as it denies much of what Christ said..." I think you need some assistance.
Thank you for taking time to write. I don't need to speak with a priest about the truth. The truth here is that the Protestant belief in Sola Scriptura or scripture alone is false. It is nowhere in the Bible but was fabricated by Protestants in a futile attempt to prove that their belief system was right while claiming that Catholic Doctrine is wrong. Jesus established what was to become known as the Catholic Church which is in His own words. I think you need some prayers. Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum. Amen.
I think they use fake ssn’s. Their employers have to deduct income and social security taxes from their pay. So they pay these taxes in the sense that employers deduct them from their pay. I have to use a special identity pin when I file my federal return because someone else has used my SSN. Of course the IRS would give me no information about this other than I needed to use a particular personal identification number.
No. Immigrant can register to receive “tax payer numbers”. With no benefits other than contributing to society and to the federal government, many immigrants spend decades paying taxes with hopes of a future and many never get one. And yes, this is legal.
Around 10 years ago, maybe 15, I had a student who had come back to college after working about 10 years. He told me that he used to have a contracting business. He followed the law closely, so he did not hire illegals. But at some point he could no longer win any bids because other contractors were. They got around the law by subcontracting their labor to another business who handled all the payroll. These businesses hired illegals and took care of the payroll and the paperwork. He did this a couple of times and then quit the business and went back to school eventually getting his doctorate in economics. He was my main source of information about employment of illegal immigrants.
""No. Immigrant can register to receive “tax payer numbers”."" - but do they. If you believe they do - I have bridge and vaccine to sell you.
Safe and effective? Like the Francis Scott Key bridge?
Yes they do actually do that. Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments.
Greetings Padre – While I normally support you 100% on most issues – it is this one that I’m having a hard time squaring. I understand the RC tenants but methinks you are trying to thread the needle with less than good effect. Might I share another way of thinking of the problem and perhaps a better way of solving the problem:
The issue of illegal immigration poses a fundamental moral dilemma for nations: should governments prioritize the well-being of their own citizens or extend unlimited assistance to those who enter unlawfully? While compassion for those seeking a better life is natural, it is neither ethical nor sustainable to support illegal immigrants at the expense of native citizens, particularly when such an influx results in job losses, economic strain, and increased crime rates. Past administrations may have signaled an “all are welcome” message, but it is the duty of the present to correct policies that harm those already struggling within the nation’s borders. A truly humane and just solution lies in addressing the root causes of migration by helping individuals improve their circumstances where they live, rather than encouraging lawlessness and displacing local populations.
A government’s primary moral obligation is to protect and provide for its own citizens. When illegal immigrants enter a country in large numbers, they often compete for jobs, especially low-wage positions, with native workers. This disproportionately affects the most vulnerable segments of society—those already living in poverty and struggling to find stable employment. It is unjust for any government to force its own people into economic hardship by prioritizing non-citizens who have entered illegally. The moral course of action is to ensure that jobs, resources, and opportunities remain available to the country’s lawful residents first.
Additionally, a surge in illegal immigration often brings unintended consequences, including a rise in criminal activity. While not all immigrants are criminals, it is an undeniable reality that unvetted migration allows individuals with criminal histories to cross borders unchecked. Citizens have the right to safety and security, and it is unethical for a government to expose them to unnecessary risks. Law-abiding citizens should not have to live in fear or suffer from policies that undermine their safety simply because previous administrations were lax in enforcing border laws.
The most ethical and sustainable solution is not to open borders indiscriminately but to help people thrive in their home countries. Many illegal immigrants flee due to economic hardship, political instability, or violence. Instead of encouraging dangerous and unlawful migration patterns, resources should be directed toward fostering economic development, stability, and governance reforms in their home nations. This ensures that people can build better futures without abandoning their countries or destabilizing others.
While I realize that many illegals will face hardship in a transition back to their native land (and temporary disruption should not be a reason to avoid fixing the situation) – there are ways to bridge the gap. Ultimately, the moral course of action is one that prioritizes fairness, national stability, and long-term solutions rather than temporary, politically motivated policies. A government that neglects its own people in favor of those who break the law erodes social trust and economic prosperity. True compassion lies in helping people where they are, not at the expense of those already struggling within a nation’s borders.
Of course I am "all ears" for additional illumination. Pax
Sorry I don’t have time for your pretzel logic.
I would bet money Bishop Strickland has a high fence around his residence like his boss Fartsis the Worst. Vatican has very high walls and guards, I have seen it with my own eyes.
Yes a boring comment from a boring guy and by extension a really stupid observation/snark. Actually, Bishop Strickland is an outstanding example as to what a bishop should be. He is totally faithful to the Magisterium and 100% authentic. Methinks you should report to the village elders as they are looking for you...the village idiot.
We are talking about a fence. Does he he have one? Do not change the subject. Observations cannot be stupid, they are facts. Only stupid people cannot tell the difference. On catholic magisterium and refurbishing the Bible - here comes either stupidity or ill will. I have hard time deciding.
You are absolutely correct Bishop Strickland in emphasizing that it is our own government and business elites who have created this problem and encouraged the flow of illegal migration across Latin America.
And I should add as well the taste that far too many of our fellow citizens have for illegal drugs, especially cocaine, which has funnelled gargantuan amounts of money to some very bad people south of the border and destabilized large parts of Latin America in the process.
Until you solve those problems none of this is going to make any difference.
Matthew 25 doesn't indicate that the corporal works of mercy are to be extended only to the "legal." The U.S.A. has enough wealth to take care of our own as well as those who come. Let not our greed prevent us from following Jesus's mandate.
No. The USA does NOT have the wealth to take care of all those who came here illegally. We are effectively bankrupt.
When was the last time we made any real progress on reducing our national debt?
When was the last time we had a balanced budget?
Before Trump, how often have you heard any government officials put forth real plans to reduce our unconstitutionally bloated bureaucracy?
The US is not responsible for supporting those. Do recall that the great land of immigrants took legal immigrants for over a century and just released those to their own capacity.
A “compassionate” government is not a Christian ideal. The Protestant maxim of charity begins at home does not appear to be understood by woke idiots. Although it is well aligned with Catholic social teaching in many ways. Charity by persons, individuals who help other individuals, is not only the true meaning of The Good Samaritan parable but is the only true charity. Charity through organizations is a means to facilitate the one on one fulfillment of Christian charity. Socialism is not an option for the poor despite the gay priests who seem to condone all the leftists “rights” granted by government.
Every Sunday we hear “the mass.” That closing statement which tells us to go, and do likewise, regarding The Gospel. You can’t turn Jesus statements on paying the Temple Tax into a choice for government taxation to do what we are asked to do by God for our neighbors. The four pillars of social teaching are not supported by USAID nor Soros, despite what Soros owned media may declare.
This is a difficult issue and I appreciate your guidance. Illegal but they came while our government relaxed the rules, didn’t follow them. Our government which means the citizens are going to have to deal with this. We are a very generous country but!
I think there should be an accounting of the government and the ngo’s that were hired ! Why don’t we have an accounting from the bishops of how this money( taxpayers) has been spent. Do some of these ngo’s fail to follow Catholic teaching? Call them out. Who is minding the shop. Did we aid by setting up offices in Mexico to bring in immigrants. I’m not saying the Church did. Did we really take care of the children?
I’m very concerned about Catholic Relief services and their guidance for following Church teaching.
Follow the money.
Look at the numbers of immigrants who are affiliating I guess with the Church. How have we educated them to become part of our culture? A lot of money flows out of our country I’m told from this segment. It’s a mess.
Reminds me of another recent period in the Church that wasn’t handled very well by the bishops and cost all parishioners!
Why aren’t we praying for this as a Church.
I will pray your prayer daily.
I completely agree with the need for a compassionate approach to the illegal immigration problem. The Church should take a leadership position on this issue, helping to reconcile the different perspectives. Unfortunately, the USCCB and individual bishops have mainly taken extreme positions supporting unfettered immigration without recognizing the right of our nation to serve and protect its own people. As a result, they have lost the moral high ground, and in consequence, justly I might add, their opinions are discounted.
I don’t know how this problem can be rectified since it was allowed to reach this point. However, we need to rationalize a solution that doesn’t reward illegal behavior, whether illegitimately encouraged by our government or not, and yet recognizes the no-win situation we are in.
Dear Bishop, when you say that many illegal immigrants have taken jobs that American citizens would not take, you need to be careful. Whether or not an American (or anyone else) takes a particular job depends on what the pay is. Maybe they would not take the job at the same low wage the illegal immigrant is willing to take it, but at a somewhat higher wage they might be willing to do the work.
There are also employers who abuse special visa programs who lay off all their employees in a certain division and replace them with legal immigrants who the employer brings into the country legally and these immigrants are paid a much lower wage.
I am so grateful for your work Bishop Strickland so please don’t take this as an attack on you. Except for this minor point, your essay is very helpful.
It might be useful for people to know that many/most illegal immigrants pay taxes and in fact over their lifetimes pay more taxes than they use of social services. At least according to this article:
I agree with every word. Wise and compassionate!
I thought illegal immigrants cannot pay taxes because they have not done the paperwork they can do upon arrival to seek refuge in our country. Illegal aliens are illegal and so have to stay under the radar and not pay taxes. This makes them and their children open to harm from people that have predator mentality. We know people that came here illegal and filed paperwork for asylum. They then are protected from deportation while waiting for approval, a social security number, and a work permit. Illegal immigrants have an opportunity to file asylum paperwork once here. If they are illegal they are taking cash jobs because they have to.
Thank you for sharing your balanced view and Christian guidance on how we might approach this issue.
Common sense, thank you!
Thank you, your excellency! Wise and measured words are needed in a time of reaction.