Bishop Strickland has now, in different ways, offered fitting fraternal correction to his brother bishops. For this, he is effectively ostracized. He is even falsely accused of sedevacantism. If bishops heed not the correction of a brother, why would they heed the correction of a son or daughter? The lesson is that lay criticism of bishops is unhelpful and best avoided. Bishop Strickland has done his duty before God and has paid the price. He is a worthy spiritual father, and we continue to be grateful to him. We, too, as laity, have a duty, namely, to pray to God and fast for fatherly bishops, like Bishop Strickland.

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Do you believe that Pope Francis currently holds the office of the papacy?

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Thank you Bishop Strickland! It’s scandalous you’ve been falsely labeled a sedevacantist by low information Catholics. I follow you via radio and podcasts, it’s evident you love the Church, and have the utmost respect for the office of the Papacy—the Vicar of Christ. This true church is like the “Ark” going thru turmoil. Thank you for being a great troubadour for the Christ the King, and an example for us all.

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Bishop Strickland is a good shepherd and a true son of the Church. His words and actions allow the dogma to speak loudly in him. I thank God for Bishop Strickland.

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Thank you, Bishop Strickland, for defending the deposit of faith! My family truly appreciates having a Bishop who's calm, clear and truthful voice can be heard among the waves of chaos in the Church and world

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Dearest Bishop Strickland

I stand by and fully support your teachings and the way you stand up for our faith! Especially in adversity! Jesus told His apostles, and future apostles that “they persecuted Him, and they will persecute you” “ stand firm in My Word and the Holy Spirit will speak through you on my behalf! God bless you dear Bishop and make His Face shine upon you and give you His Peace!

May I ask you to pray for my surgeon? I’m facing major back surgey on 9/4. The surgery will take 5-6 hours. I know God is with me as well as my Blessed Mother! Thank you kindest dearest Bishop!

May God bless you always in All ways,

Anne Marie Brandt

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Bishop Strickland you say, "I regularly quote the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as other popes who have occupied the Chair of St. Peter since Vatican II." What about the pre-conciliar Popes? Do you quote them? Do you hold to the teachings of Vatican I, of Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X?

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The problem with Sedevacantism is that this movement like many others are heirisyies disguised as traditionalism. To suggest that the Holy Spirit has been absent from the Chair of Peter is obsured and clearly unvalidated. Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, does NOT supersede the Magisterium. His teaching of sin removes one’s self from the church - is contrary to the Doctrine of Faith.

Vatican II clearly redefined Papal authority that had been shattered by the Italian revolution.

The aurguements of Sedevacantism (although they sound valid) are completely out of line and unbased. By what authority do Sedevacantist have to oppose the church it’s self??!

It’s seems almost Protestant in nature to think that the laity can judge or condemn the Pope or Magisterium.

‘Obedience’ to the church that Christ established, is the key word that is missing from the Sedevacantist position.

Lastly, I would add that Sedevacantism = Donatism revisited

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Amen Bishop. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and courage.

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Thank you, Bishop, for the clear explanation of sedevantism. I never thought you were a sedevacantist but it is a situation which I could not explain properly. Now I think I 'get it' God Bless you !

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@Mike. "Do you believe...?" It is important that each of us do some searching of our belief system. (1 Peter 3:15)

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Yet you abuse our current Holy Father and befriend people who reject him. Also you don't even define Sedevacantism correctly

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Respectfully, could you please cite examples of his abusing Pope Francis and befriending people who reject Pope Francis? I am in earnest. Thank you.

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Sedevacantism is a traditionalist Catholic movement which holds that since the death of Pius XII the alleged occupiers of the Holy See are not valid popes due to their espousal of one or more heresies and that, for lack of a valid pope, the See of Rome is thus vacant.

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