Jan 5Edited

Thank you from London, Canada Your Excellence.

I pray for more prelates to develop a conscience that is in line with perennial Church teaching and that they lead their flock to holiness through their example.

May we develop a bold willingness to speak the Truth and strive always to live according to God’s unchanging Word .

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“When enough Catholics are ‘living the Message of Fatima’, the Consecration WILL be accomplished” (St. Padre Pio) Since the on-going Vatican opposition to OBEDIENCE

to Our Blessed Mother’s ONLY POSSIBLE solution to this world’s (diabolically-dis-oriented death spiral), in Her Perfect Love for us, offered the SOLE instrument necessary and sufficient to bring about this Victorious Consecration. Mary asked three things, at Fatima, of EVERY Catholic: 1) Learn, 2) Obey, and 3)Spread, the Full Message of Fatima. In this light, the defeat of evil will come by the Faith of “living the message of Fatima”. If it were not so, would Our Lady have spelled out the four parts, or that

these four ALL require the intention of making reparation to Her Immaculate Heart? The Power of Her Love in an historical event was on D Day in Hiroshima, Japan. 8 priest, < 1 mile from ground zero, unharmed. “We were ‘living the Message of Fatima’.” Never heard ANY of this from the pulpit.

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"Prayer and sacrifice are the two means to save the world. As for the Holy Rosary, Father, in these last times in which we are living, the Blessed Virgin has given a new efficacy to the praying of the Holy Rosary. This in such a way that there is no problem that cannot be resolved by praying the Rosary, no matter how difficult it is - be it temporal or above all spiritual - in the spiritual life of each of us or the lives of our families, be they our families in the world or Religious Communities, or even in the lives of peoples and nations.

“I repeat, there is no problem, as difficult as it may be, that we cannot resolve at this time by praying the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves, sanctify ourselves, console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls.

“Then, there is devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Most Holy Mother, holding her as the seat of mercy, goodness and pardon and the sure door to enter Heaven. This is the first part of the Message referring to Our Lady of Fatima, and the second part, which is briefer but no less important, refers to the Holy Father.”

-St Sr Lucia, 1957

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As one who was arrested for defending the unborn here in Middle TN by the DOJ/FBI, I thank you sincerely for highlighting this season and its connection to our everyday decisions. It is encouraging to hear it said outloud and to ponder afreash the words of our Savior.

I read it to my children tonight as a fresh reminder and challenge to them as well. God bless you and thank you.

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These are the things I need to see and hear from my shepherd. Thank you so much for keeping your promise Bp. Strickland!- to lead souls to heaven.

-Oh Lord send us holy priests!!!

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Thank you Your Excellency for these inspiring words. May God bless you.

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Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters;”

While we are IN the world, we must not allow ourselves to be OF the world. (Caps intended) Is there a place where one can learn about falling in love with Jesus? Thus far for me, it has been a 50-year journey of study and prayer. Walking hand-in-hand, so to speak, with Our Lady, the Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt and the Founder, Father Joseph Kentenich, I have come to love Our Lord in a way I could only have imagined as I began this journey.

Thank you, Bishop Joseph, for protecting those of us who choose to love to the fullest Our Lord Jesus the Christ, His teachings and the fullness of The Holy Trinity.

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Amén¡¡ gracias su eminencia. Saludos cordiales desde Medellin. Colombia. Que la Santísima Virgen Maria lo acompañe en el proposito de ser depositario de la Fe./ Amen! thank you your eminence. Kind regards from Medellin. Colombia. May the Blessed Virgin Mary accompany you in the purpose of being a depository of the Faith.

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Dear Bishop Strickland, I thank you deeply for preaching the Truth and the love of God. Your words defy those who stay silent and inactive! You are blessed. I pray our Holy Mother to protect you always and for ever. Elisabeth Lombardi from Baltimore

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...yes, His will be done...

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Amen Bishop Strickland.

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Amen from Portugal, Msg.

Uplifts the Soul to have God´s Truth acknowledged, in such salutary precise wording.

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Dear Bishop Strickland,

I am edified you quote the great Gospel of St John the Evangelist. (He was the only Apostle who did not die a martyr, by the way, although he was boiled in oil and banished to the Island of Patmos after he was miraculously preserved, and in his solitude received the revelations for his Apocalypse.) And, yes, I completely agree with you that we are never so surrounded by friends when we stand with Our Lady of Sorrows at the Foot of the Cross. And yes, please God that I follow the advice of Pope Leo, and cultivate a Divine hatred for sin and all that is degenerate and worldly and stems from the Seven Capital Sins.

Nevertheless, I have a few criticisms concerning both this letter and Your Excellency. First off, you did recently applaud the actions of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and his courageous stance contra Popes Paul VI and JP2. I fear this man did not go far enough, but like Fr James Wathen should have said that The Great Sacrilege of the "Novus Ordo Missae" is an Abomination of Desolation and does not bring us the Grace of God, as it is not the selfsame Propitiation of Calvary but rather a Commemoration of the Last Supper, a Protestant Meal Service. And I suggest that those who celebrate the Novus Ordo understand neither the theology of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it was promulgated at the 22nd Session of the Council of Trent nor are they Partisans of the Church Militant, but rather have succumbed to a spirit of false obedience to church authority, which Sts Peter and John refused to do when ordered by the Sanhedrin- the account is in the Acts of the Apostles- to cease preaching the Name and Mission of Our Lord Jesus Christ and replied rather: "We ought to obey God, rather than men". I fear you are one of those men, and you demonstrated this when, consequent to unjust orders from the Vatican, you abandoned your flock in Tyler Texas to the predations of the Wolves sent by Pope Frantic. (No insult intended for God's furry creatures.)

You rightfully berate the Church Authorities, most especially the College of Cardinals, for being obviously and ontologically remiss. Of course, this started in 2013, both in not calling to account Pope Benedict XVI for his unceremonious and cowardly abdication, (Some prefer to say that he "retired". Whether a pope can actually "retire" will not be broached here.) and for failing to call "Pope Frantic" (whom I have never held to be a valid Pope) to account for his multiple heresies and betrayals of the Sacred Deposit of the Faith. The famous "Dubia" of Cardinals Burke and some others regarding the highly problematic statements in Amoris Laetitiae remains unresolved, and these Cardinals have showed themselves to be cowards not willing to condemn Pope Frantic, and admonish the faithful to have nothing to do with this man but, as St John the Evangelist would surely agree: "If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you." Of such men as Pope Frantic St Paul wrote: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema."

Yes, Truth is Incarnate, and Truth is also One because God is One. All Truth, from the most sublime, such as concerning the Most Holy Trinity, to the most simple, such as the proposition that "God created them Male and Female" is sacred and holy. This also concerns what happened in 2020, the Plandemic which not one bishop, to my knowledge, had the courage to denounce as a total fraud. This also concerns the ongoing slaughter in the Gaza Strip, which none seem to dare call Genocide. This also concerns the lies about World War II and German treatment of the Jews, which continue to be propagated to this day.

But the Greatest Truth relevant to today you entirely failed to mention- that Our Lady came to Fatima Portugal in October 1917 and worked the Greatest Public Miracle since Moses parted the Waters of the Red Sea, in order to give the Divine Seal to a message she gave three simple children in July of that year, a message warning of dire penalties against Church and State if especially clerics did not reform, do penance, and return to the Gospel. Tragically, beginning with the pontificate of Pope Benedict XV, that message has been deformed, and the principle messenger, St Sr Lucia, hidden and persecuted until her probable murder at the hands of those Church Authorities shortly after her interview with Fr Augustine Fuentes on Dec 26th, 1957. (The facts concerning subsequent fraudulent "Sr Lucias" will not be elaborated here.) I am perplexed that instead of making a pilgrimage to Fatima, you chose instead to visit a dubious, at best, "apparition" at Medjugorje, in the Balkan Peninsula. (The condemnation of these events by the former Bishop of Mostar will not be reproduced here.) It is beyond the pale to suggest your visit was prompted by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, but rather I suggest you are a victim of the false spirituality that has infested the Post Vatican II "Church" which also manifests itself in such false devotions as the "Luminous Mysteries" and the "Divine Mercy".

It is my hope and prayer that on the very eve of the Annihilation of Nations and "Persecutions of the Holy Father" guaranteed by Our Lady of Fatima if the Communion of Reparation of the First Saturdays did not become widespread and more importantly if the Collegial Consecration of Russia Proper was not accomplished by the Holy Father in union with all Bishops of the World in Peace and Communion with the Holy Seat, that the Holy Ghost, the Divine Spouse of Our Lady, will shower you with His Seven Gifts and lead you to a true understanding of these momentous times, so that you might courageously lead the souls entrusted to your care, and give complete clarity to the members of The Mystical Body of Christ in these Interesting and Tumultuous Times. I also pray that you do whatever it takes so that your Sacred Office may be adorned with the moral certainty of the Administration of the Sacraments, of which tragically it was deprived by the "ministrations" of Pope Paul VI and his administration. (I will not elaborate here, but I do have several articles on my Substack concerning this.

Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

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