“Keep the Faith”. “Pass on the Faith.” These are my sacred duties as a Cradle Catholic Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Thank you, dear Bishop Strickland, for carrying out your duty of protecting the Deposit of Faith. You do so in Hope with Charity. St. Michael, beloved Archangel, defend Bp. Strickland, and all of us who call on you in our Battle for Truth.

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St. Michael, defend Bishop Strickland, and the faithful in battle. Mary, Queen of Angels, intercede with your perfect son for Bishop Strickland's consolation, peace, and holiness.

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Thanks for being a voice to the seemingly voiceless, Your Excellency! May God protect the Church and bring us to true unity once more!

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I do appreciate the scriptural basis for the proposition that God gave us fair warning about Popes. Eased us into the idea, as it were.

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Well said and well done. Thank you, Sir.

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I wouldn't say Bergoglio's actions leave me concerned so much as disgusted. His suppression of the traditional Latin Masse, et insistence on quarrelling with every local branch of the Church, refusal to protect his flock shows him to be unworthy of his office.

I know many will not like me saying these things, but I feel we must reproof him, must point out his mistakes and must rightly insist that he change his ways and return to God. The way he is going runs counter to the Bible and tradition.

But I'm no Church-official, and have little authority (nor do I seek it), I sincerely hope though many may disagree that 'Francis' (I refuse to recognize him as Pope) steps down and a proper pope is elected who loves God and the Church and will protect her flock and rather than look across the land or down at it instead look upwards towards God as St-Peter, St-Paul and the other Apostles & Disciples did.

Do hope folks don't take my words too badly, or poorly. I do not seek to undermine the Church, merely see her restored to her traditional roots and contribute my thoughts (not that they matter on this subject). Thank you for this excellent article Bishop Strickland, I am glad un comme vous is therein the Church. Que Dieu te benis, et Jesus te protege.

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As an eastern orthodox convert from the protest-ant evangel Bible tradition, I pray that this message from the Archbishop of Tyler get a fair hearing.

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Wow ! Many thanks to Bishop Strickland for such clarity during this time of worldwide confusion , 🙏

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Grace🔥 and Peace🕊️ to you. Semper Fortis! ☦️ ⛲ ⛪

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Thanks for your guidance.

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Thank you, Bishop, for your care for us hungry sheep.

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Satan's vatican-2 heretic cult ... founded on 8 December 1965 ... *do not have* the Office of the Papacy.

Only the Catholic Church has the Papacy.

In these times ... when there is no Pope ... only soul damning liars dressed like bishops ... one keeps to the Catholic Dogma as defined by people who were actually Catholic bishops.

Here is what happened ...

*COMPLETED* operation >>> The *REMOVAL* ... from the Catholic Church … of virtually everyone who thinks they are Catholic … they are currently in a spiritual state where they *cannot* be saved.

Virtually *everyone* who thinks they are Catholic ... *have been* automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church … and are being shoved into Hell ... by their physical participation in the vatican-2 heretic cult ... the buildings with Catholic signs. Sources of Dogma here > www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com/section_13.2.2.html

The single … remedy for souls at No. 7 ...

1. The “vatican-2 council” (1962-1965) documents have well over … 200 heresies against infallible, unchangeable Catholic Sources of Dogma. *ALL* 2,500 (apparent) bishops of the world approved the heretic garbage on 8 Dec 1965. They *all* ceased being Catholic bishops on this date. www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com/section_12.html

2. The Catholic Church has not had … a *single* Priest Ordained or Bishop Consecrated since … 8 December 1965. Fully proven here > www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com/section_13.6.html.

3. The Catholic Church has mountains of … Sources of Dogma (definitions by the Pope in union with all the Bishops of the world) … on *automatic excommunication* for heresy. *No* process or procedure is required … to remove a heretic “bishop” or “priest” from the Catholic Church. Dogmas here > www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com/section_13.2.html

4. Bergoglio (a.k.a. “francis”) is not a priest, bishop or Pope. The same with Ratzinger (a.k.a. “benedict-16”). The same with Wojtyla (a.k.a. “john paul-2”), back to heretic “benedict-15” (1914).


5. Heretics “benedict-15”, “pius-11”, and “pius-12” (1914-1958) … put non-Catholic apostates into Bishop’s offices around the world in the 50 years leading up to … the 1962-1965 “vatican-2 council”.

www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com/section_20.html ... also Sections 20.1 and 20.2

6. The thing you are going to … is a stage show that looks like a Catholic Mass … by a soul damning heretic who was never ordained a priest. I say soul damning heretic because, again … simple physical participation in a heretic cult (non-Catholic worship) … excommunicates you from the Catholic Church >


7. To enter the Catholic Church (which has no physical properties in these times) … and to leave the vatican-2 heretic cult (founded in 1965) … one must take the four steps on Section 2.1 of the site. This includes making a Formal Abjuration of heresy, provided on Section 40.

8. No “confession of sins” inside of the vatican-2 heretic cult is valid. There is no forgiveness of sins outside of the Catholic Church in the vatican-2 heresy (the buildings with Catholic signs). One must enter the Catholic Church first, then make a General Confession following the Dogma on Section 10.2. There is a comprehensive confession guide on Section 10.1.

9. This apostasy has been … foretold many, many times ... since 1846 > www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com/section_12.1.1.html and


Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, 1861 >

"The Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains … Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church."

Vatican-2 group leader "Archbishop" Fulton J. Sheen, 1948 >

"He (Satan) will set up a counter-church which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its Divine content.” - etc - etc -

- - - - - - - - - -

All heretics reject … *God’s will* regarding the … supplying of grace …

*All* graces of faith and virtue ... that enters the world (*regardless* of the recipient) … follows the same path as the Catholic Jesus Christ did.

The Catholic God > Blessed Virgin > world

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Ecclesiasticus 24:24-25 >

24: "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope."

25: "In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Wisdom 7:11 >

“Now all good things came to me together with her, and innumerable riches through her hands.”

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 3:15, 18 >

15: "She is more precious than all riches: and all the things that are desired, are not to be compared with her."

18: "She is a tree of life to them that lay hold on her: and he that shall retain her is blessed."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 17:33 >

"God ... made my way to be immaculate."

Apocalypse 12:1 > ("revelation" in the fake bibles)

"And a great sign appeared in Heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." Etc, etc, etc

More > www.Gods-Christian-Dogma.com/section_8.20.html

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Deus Vult.

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The magisterium of Strickland is alive and well. I’ll stick with the Holy Father in union with the Bishops like the great saints before us!

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Thank you Bishop Strickland! Your voice is needed now more than ever. May God richly bless you!

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Thank you Bishop Strickland! Your words and guidance are needed now more than ever. May God richly blessed you! Viva Cristo Rey!

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