Thank you, Your Excellency. I pray your sobering words may find their way to many members of the cardinalate and that those can forward this letter to them, will do so with courage and humility.
That was awesome and I know you wrote the letter from the bottom of your heart! I pray you will become the next Bishop of Austin! Nothing is impossible for our God. We absolutely need a Bishop like you! One who is in love with our God, who is fearless and one who loves our Holy Mother. I’ll leave it up to our Holy Spirit!
I pray God blesses you this evening and every evening and day of your beautiful life!
A clarion call from one of the few faithful shepherds. Hope and pray that God intervenes and the conclave heeds this call. God intervened recently, spared Trump from the assassin's bullet and put America back on the right track. Hoping and praying fervently that He intervenes with the one holy Catholic church and spares us from an unworthy pope.
The seat of Peter has had scoundrels warming it several times in history.
Our task is to live guided by the Holy Spirit, cope with the vicissitudes of life in a way that astounds our neighbours who will ask, how have you survived and thrive despite this suffering or catastrophe.
You can then bear witness to the risen Saviour and Lord and call them to repentance and belief and baptism.
God is with you Bishop Strickland in leading HIS flock with your letter. I will continue to pray for you and the Holy Catholic Church ! ..."Where else am I to go?"
We love you, Bishop Strickland and pray for you daily. Thank you for your letter to the Cardinals. May they remember their Mission and protect the faithful. Holy Spirit, we count on You!
Bishop Strickland, since the morning you told me "we are on the same team" I have been praying for you to persevere in this fight. You have inspired me to "hold the line" in Truth and Charity.
Mons Joseph E. Strickland, per quale motivo non ricorda alle loro E. R. il nuovo art. di legge n. 33 stabilite da papa S GPII in UNIVERSI DOMINICI GREGIS????? Laddove è STABILITO che SOLO i cardinali di Santa Romana Chiesa, vale dire SOLO quelli che riconoscono il legittimo ultimo Romano Pontefice stabilito da Cristo BENEDETTO XVI, ganno DIRITTO DI INDIRE UN VALIDO CONCLAVE, LADDOVE CRISTO STESSO STABILIRÀ IL PETRUS ROMANUS SUO LEGITTIMO SUCCESORE???
E PERCHÈ ANCHE LEI, MONS. Joseph E. Strickland
FINO A QUANDO LEI SI OSTINA A RICONOSCE PAPA L'IMPOSTORE ERETICO STABILITO IN UN INVALIDO CONCLAVE, per il cat. Magg. di s Pio X n162 e 154 e 202 anche Lei, come tutti i vescovi subordinati a Bergoglio, siete rei di SCISMA e non fate più parte della Santa Romana Chiesa di Gesù Cristo.
These are wonderful intentions, but with all due respect, those three requirements sets the bar for the papacy very low. After all, even demons believe in Jesus, but to what end does that save human souls?
Bishop Strickland,
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You wrote what is on my heart.
Pax Christi
Well done Bishop Strickland! Very well written. You are a guiding light for us all.
Thank you, Your Excellency. I pray your sobering words may find their way to many members of the cardinalate and that those can forward this letter to them, will do so with courage and humility.
Dearest Bishop Strickland,
That was awesome and I know you wrote the letter from the bottom of your heart! I pray you will become the next Bishop of Austin! Nothing is impossible for our God. We absolutely need a Bishop like you! One who is in love with our God, who is fearless and one who loves our Holy Mother. I’ll leave it up to our Holy Spirit!
I pray God blesses you this evening and every evening and day of your beautiful life!
In His Love,
Anne Marie Brandt
A clarion call from one of the few faithful shepherds. Hope and pray that God intervenes and the conclave heeds this call. God intervened recently, spared Trump from the assassin's bullet and put America back on the right track. Hoping and praying fervently that He intervenes with the one holy Catholic church and spares us from an unworthy pope.
By the sounds of this we better get praying. My goodness.
Thank you Bishop Strickland. God bless you.
Do not be afraid!
The seat of Peter has had scoundrels warming it several times in history.
Our task is to live guided by the Holy Spirit, cope with the vicissitudes of life in a way that astounds our neighbours who will ask, how have you survived and thrive despite this suffering or catastrophe.
You can then bear witness to the risen Saviour and Lord and call them to repentance and belief and baptism.
God is with you Bishop Strickland in leading HIS flock with your letter. I will continue to pray for you and the Holy Catholic Church ! ..."Where else am I to go?"
We love you, Bishop Strickland and pray for you daily. Thank you for your letter to the Cardinals. May they remember their Mission and protect the faithful. Holy Spirit, we count on You!
Bishop Strickland, since the morning you told me "we are on the same team" I have been praying for you to persevere in this fight. You have inspired me to "hold the line" in Truth and Charity.
See you on the High Ground.
God is with you!
Cardinal Sarah would be a marvelous Pope!
Mons Joseph E. Strickland, per quale motivo non ricorda alle loro E. R. il nuovo art. di legge n. 33 stabilite da papa S GPII in UNIVERSI DOMINICI GREGIS????? Laddove è STABILITO che SOLO i cardinali di Santa Romana Chiesa, vale dire SOLO quelli che riconoscono il legittimo ultimo Romano Pontefice stabilito da Cristo BENEDETTO XVI, ganno DIRITTO DI INDIRE UN VALIDO CONCLAVE, LADDOVE CRISTO STESSO STABILIRÀ IL PETRUS ROMANUS SUO LEGITTIMO SUCCESORE???
E PERCHÈ ANCHE LEI, MONS. Joseph E. Strickland
FINO A QUANDO LEI SI OSTINA A RICONOSCE PAPA L'IMPOSTORE ERETICO STABILITO IN UN INVALIDO CONCLAVE, per il cat. Magg. di s Pio X n162 e 154 e 202 anche Lei, come tutti i vescovi subordinati a Bergoglio, siete rei di SCISMA e non fate più parte della Santa Romana Chiesa di Gesù Cristo.
These are wonderful intentions, but with all due respect, those three requirements sets the bar for the papacy very low. After all, even demons believe in Jesus, but to what end does that save human souls?